May 31, 2021
When coming to hair transplants, it is surely not a day’s task to decide whether you want to go for the same or not. There are multiple factors which you need to keep in consideration, and one of the most important ones is surely the costing aspect. Keeping other factors aside, cost plays a huge role in deciding whether we can actually afford hair transplants or not.
Also when it comes to cost, there is no standard cost for hair transplanting. Multiple factors play a role in this, which we will be discussing in this thread.
Hair transplantation is one of the most effective techniques to improve one's looks and confidence by minimizing baldness. The cost of a hair transplant is the most important consideration in a candidate's decision. It's because the cost is directly proportionate to the service or facility's accessibility. We've only addressed the five most essential factors that determine the cost of surgery.
Although there are a plethora of factors that do affect the price of a hair transplant, here we have mentioned the top 5 ones:
The grade or level of baldness you have directly impacted the entire cost of hair transplant surgery. You can use the Norwood Classification to determine the stage of baldness you are experiencing.
A high level of baldness will increase the number of grafts needed to achieve the surgery's transplantation goal. The number of grafts essential is determined by the current position of baldness, the desired density to cover the baldness, and the availability and features of the donor's hair.
FUE and FUT are the two most used techniques for doing hair transplant surgery. The FUE technique uses current technology to extract individual grafts, whereas the FUT approach uses a consistent methodology to extract the appropriate grafts in less time. When comparing the costs of these two procedures, FUE is the more expensive option.
Most hair transplant surgeries are completed in a single session, which takes between 5 to 8 hours. There are also rare circumstances where patients have a high amount of baldness and hence require many grafts. The specific number of grafts implanted in a single session is between 3000 and 4000. If the count reaches 5000 grafts or higher, the patient will need to return to the clinic the following day for another treatment.
You may be aware that the cost of living in different places of the world differs. In hair transplant surgery, the clinic's location is also a cost-determining factor. As a result, it's not uncommon to see hair transplant clinics in different sections of the country charging varying prices for the same treatment.
Get in touch with AKS clinic experts to get the most enhanced services possible. The professionals at AKC Clinic are always there to provide excellent treatment for Hair Transplant in Near Gurgaon.