Androgenetic Alopecia For Men and Women

Have you been looking a little thin on top lately? Men often have problems with hair loss. A study in the journal Dermatologic Surgery found that by age 40, more than half of all men have moderate to severe hair loss.

The most prevalent form of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness. Men and women can both have this problem, but men are far more likely to have it.

When men have androgenetic alopecia, it is called male pattern baldness. Some signs are a receding hairline and hair loss on the top of your head (the area at the top of your scalp).

Androgenetic alopecia can be hard to deal with, but it can be stopped, slowed down, or even turned around with treatment.

Below, here is how androgenetic alopecia happens and what signs you might see if you have this type of hair loss.

Here is also listed the most effective ways for Hair replacement solution in Gurgaon, such as hair transplant surgery and hair loss medicines.

What causes hair loss in men and women?

Androgenetic alopecia is caused by a combination of things, like your genes and how male sex hormones called androgens affect your hair.

The androgen DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, is the culprit in the development of androgenetic alopecia.

Your body makes DHT from testosterone, which is the primary androgen hormone. DHT is essential to how your external genitalia, facial hair, and prostate gland grow before you are born and as you age.

But the link between DHT and hair loss in men gets more robust as they age. It can hurt your hair follicles, which can cause them to shrink and stop making new hairs.

Researchers don't know why some men get androgenetic alopecia more often than others. But research shows that men losing their hair tend to have higher levels of DHT and more androgen receptors in their scalps than their peers.

Researchers have also found that changes in the AR gene, which tells the body how to make androgen receptors, may cause this type of hair loss.

Even though research shows that androgenetic alopecia tends to run in families, there is no proof that it is passed down from your mother's father or any other family member, as is commonly thought.

Signs of Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia is characterized by hair loss, mainly if it occurs in a predetermined manner.

Every day, most people lose between 50 and 100 hairs. These hairs naturally fall out as your hair grows to its average length, rests, and then sheds as new hair grows in its place.

If you have androgenetic alopecia, your hair may fall out in a clear pattern along your hairline (significantly above both temples) or on your crown.

Over time, this hair loss could make your hairline look like an "M," with more skin showing where your temples used to be.

Androgenetic alopecia can vary in severity. Some men go bald, but others only lose a few hairs around the hairline or on the crown.

Treatment options for Androgenetic alopecia

There are ways to treat androgenetic alopecia. If you act quickly and get help as soon as you notice your hair falling out, you can usually stop or slow down any further hair loss.

In some cases, you might also be able to grow hair back along your hairline, near your crown, or in other places where it has thinned out.

Minoxidil and finasteride are the most effective androgenetic alopecia treatment options. Here is the explanation of how these medications work below.


To encourage hair growth, you can use a topical medicine like minoxidil. It works by forcing hairs into the anagen (growth) phase of the hair growth cycle and increasing blood flow to the scalp and hair follicles.

Androgenetic alopecia can be treated with minoxidil, according to research. In a large-scale study, 84.3 percent of men with androgenetic alopecia who used minoxidil for 12 months said it helped their hair grow back somewhat or not.


Finasteride is a pill that you take by mouth. It stops your body from making DHT, the hormone that causes androgenetic alopecia. Blocking DHT slows or prevents the damage that DHT does to your hair follicles, which causes hair loss.

Research has shown that finasteride can stop hair loss, slow it down, or even make it disappear. Men with androgenetic alopecia who took finasteride every day for a year saw their hair growth improve in a way that could be measured.

The men who took a non-therapeutic pill called a placebo, on the other hand, kept losing hair throughout the study.

The sooner you treat the signs of hair loss, the more likely you can stop the damage that can't be fixed. Talk to a doctor at AKS Clinic today to start the process of getting more hair on your head.

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