November 28, 2018
The procedure of hair transplant begins with local anesthesia and sedation. There are two methods of transplant.
FUT – Follicular Unit Transplantation: It is also known as strip method. The procedure is carried by removing a strip of scalp instead of shaving the head. It involves the following steps: –
FUE – Follicular Unit Extraction: This method involves shaving of the head. The following steps are carried: –
Both these treatments can take a complete day at the clinic depending on the area of transplant. Pain is usually not felt due to the anesthetic effect.
After the hair transplant surgery, the scalp may feel tender and some anti-inflammatory & antibiotic drugs along with pain relief medications may be required for a few days. The transplanted hair may fall out after 2-3 week of surgery and the new growth will start after a month or two, which is normal. Complete results are noticed in 12 to 18 months.
The dermatologist may also prescribe some medications to support hair growth after the transplant and also reduce the existing hair fall.
Like every other surgery, hair transplant also involves a few risks after the treatment. The possible risks are listed below: –