12 Feb 2021
Doctors do not recommend hair transplantation using body hair, and they have medical reasons for doing so. Hair transplants of body hair are still possible in the following situations:
Extraction of follicles from another area of the body for patients who have weak donor areas in the scalp is the most commonly used technique in hair transplantation using the body hair.
Body hair from other body sections, such as the beard, back, chest, and legs, may be used in these situations, and the added body hair thickness you have, the more likely you are to be considered for a hair transplant technique with body hair.
Hair grafts are collected from the donor region in the back of the patient's head, which typically has a high hair density, in normal hair transplant procedures. Doctors remove grafts from other areas of the body during body hair transplants. Under local anesthesia, hair grafts will be removed directly from the donor region with a small instrument between 0.75ml and 1ml or a slight thicker. The doctor makes a circular incision within the skin surrounding the graft, takes it out of its position, places it in the preserving solution, and then plants it in the receiving area.
The hair on the scalp and the hair on the body vary greatly, and patients should be conscious of these variations before undertaking a hair transplant procedure. The transplanted hair's containing climate, color, and thickness or hair structure are the most important factors.
Patients who are getting body hair transplants should be aware of four main concerns.
The downside of these treatments is that body hair is typical of poorer quality than the hair on the scalp; this is because the hair on the scalp has a more cohesive structure than the body's hair. To achieve a good outcome from a hair transplant using body hair, you must plant more hair than you need.
It has enough density to cover a significant portion of the bold field.
Many patients who wish to perform a hair transplant procedure using body hair are worried about whether they would have noticeable scars in the body donor region after the procedure. There will be stitches and scars in the donor region, but they will heal in a matter of weeks. You will learn more about the procedure's other side effects here.
Conclusion: Doctors do not advise hair transplant procedures using body hair unless it is required. Doctors are concentrating their attention on receiving grafts from the head's donor region, which is usually situated on the back and two sides of the head.