The Life of Hair Transplant: All You Need to Know :

15 November, 2020

The Life of Hair Transplant

When it comes to the word 'Hair Transplant,' we all have heard this word over a thousand times in our lives. However, we are still unsure about what exactly does it mean.

What Does Hair Transplant Mean?

Hair transplants entail either individually extracting hair follicles from the donor site (Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)) or through a skin strip from a healthy scalp growth site (Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)). In both examples, the follicles on the scalp are then transplanted back into the infected region. The follicles will start to develop healthy hair growth as the scalp recovers in otherwise lean or bald areas to create a higher density of hair.

While hair transplants have been carefully engineered to be permanent, this may be affected by various factors.

Does the hair transplant Solution Last a Lifetime?

While doubts about the longevity of hair transplants are understandable, hair transplantation in most cases can last you your entire life. The follicles will be transferred from your scalp's donor section, meaning that your scalp is not only more likely to accept transplants, but in the months after your transplant, they will also begin to blend into the rest of your hair. Each follicle produces hair that naturally grows with the hair and acts in the same manner as the rest of your hair.

Although there is a chance of more hair loss in the future for those suffering from trend baldness, this can also be overcome with another procedure to transplant healthy hair into new loss areas. However, with proper treatment, the transplanted hair will stay strong and healthy and last a lifetime.
The continuity of the outcomes of the treatment of hair transplants is questioned by many.

However, these outcomes are cherished for a lifetime by the maximum number of people. The treatment involves the hair follicles being carefully transferred from the donor site to the scalp. This means that the scalp accepts the transplants, and the hair transplanted blends into the rest of the hair. For the development of new hair, each transplanted hair follicle is responsible. Just like the other surrounding hairs, this hair passes through the natural growth process.

People may often need more than one treatment for hair transplantation over time. This often occurs in patients with pattern baldness. Pattern baldness will continue in the missing regions even after the hair transplant and generate new bald regions. It is also possible to treat these regions with another version of the procedure. However, the possibility of such a scenario is determined by your family background or other personal factors that contribute to hair loss. When the hair is transplanted, it lasts for a lifetime, and a proper treatment routine further maintains its good health.

The shock loss is one reason why the concerns about the permanence of the treatment outcomes are fuelled. It is the loss in a few weeks post-surgery of hair experiences. The trauma of the surgery causes this. Shock loss may occur while taking adequate steps to decrease the impact of trauma. It is necessary to remember that it is temporary and will soon stop allowing your hair to grow naturally. When your hair grows long and safe in a few months, you will see more than pleasing results. Very rarely do people suffer irreversible shock loss. This occurs only in such instances in which the roots have been affected by hair loss.

In some instances, patients experience severe post-transplant care for hair loss. Your physician will examine the condition and prescribe some medications and supplements. These are also effective in reinstating the normal hair cycle and fostering growth. If hair loss persists even after the treatment process (in consultation and planning phases), it is recommended that the treatment is put on hold.

Contact Hair Transplant Expert Surgeon Dr. Akhilendra Singh to Know More About Hair Transplant or Visit Hair Tranplant Doctor in Gurgaon
