Is It Advisable To Drink Alcohol Before Or After Hair Transplant?

feb 01 2022

Drink Alcohol Before Or After Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation is a major, frequently life-changing procedure, so you'll naturally want to increase your chances of success. To do so efficiently, you must abstain from consuming alcohol before and after your surgery. This article discusses how alcohol affects hair transplants and offers before and after tips to help you get the most out of your procedure.

Healing Usually Starts Before Surgery:

In the weeks preceding up to surgery, all surgeons will give their patients instructions to follow. The reason for this is simple: effective recovery necessitates planning. You can improve your chances of a quick and problem-free recovery with excellent results by avoiding specific actions in the days leading up to surgical treatment.

You incur the danger of different post-operative issues if you do not follow your surgeon's advice before surgery. This might result in various problems, such as infection and the need for additional remedial treatments. Instead of adding to your fears, be safe and follow your doctor's instructions.

Consumption of alcoholic beverages before the procedure

Alcohol can have disastrous consequences and can significantly impact your surgical treatment. Alcohol should be avoided for at least a week before surgery and possibly longer, depending on the procedure.

The rule still applies in the event of FUE surgery. Inquire with your hair transplant specialist for a more accurate estimate. Abstinence from drinking in the weeks preceding surgery ensures a speedy recovery and few complications.

The following are some of the problems that drinking alcohol before surgery can cause:

Because alcohol dehydrates your body and thins your blood, you're more vulnerable to these problems. This could also lengthen the recovery period by offsetting it.

Avoid consuming alcohol for at least two weeks before surgery

It's critical to avoid alcoholic beverages for at least two weeks before your hair transplant surgery to maximize your chances of a successful and effective process. This will allow your body to digest any alcohol in your system and bring your blood pressure to normal.

It's dangerous to drink during that two-week window. Rather than risking failure, try to drink plenty of water and keep healthy and hydrated before your treatment.

What happens if I drink alcohol after getting a hair transplant?

Taking alcohol after a hair transplant is not advised. Every hair transplant patient hopes for a suitable procedure and a quick recovery time. Make sure you understand what you're getting into before starting the hair transplant process.

Before or after the hair transplant, talk to a doctor about the risks of drinking alcohol. Although avoiding alcohol is difficult, it is worthwhile in reducing the risk of hair transplant difficulties. The following are some of the potential complications:

Drinking too much alcohol causes blood to be thin:

Because of the weakening of the blood, patients are more prone to bleed more following the tiny incisions. This could be due to an alcoholic's diminished platelet count. Remember that alcohol has been shown to impair the liver's operation ability. As you may know, platelets and clotting factors are produced by the liver.

As a result, drinking alcohol creates blood clotting issues, which impede the recuperation process and the procedure's overall success. Bleeding can lengthen the recovery period, leading to post-hair transplant problems, including infection in the donor and recipient areas of the scalp.

Drinking too much alcohol might cause vitamin deficiencies:

This may impact a person's overall health, resulting in a lengthy recovery period following a hair transplant. Because certain nutrients, such as vitamin B1 and folic acid, are required in the healing process, alcohol use may promote direct malabsorption of these nutrients, resulting in a sluggish recovery.

Alcohol reduces blood flow:

Alcohol lowers the amount of blood in the body. Blood usually carries nutrients to many regions of the human body. Blood is required to provide crucial nutrients and oxygen to the implanted hair grafts.

Alcohol reduces the amount of blood coming to the grafts by disrupting blood circulation. Hair grafts perish and fall out when their blood supply is depleted. So, if you don't want to compromise your recovery and the outcome, stay away from alcohol at all costs.

Drinking alcohol causes dehydration:

Because more water is expelled from our bodies when we consume alcoholic beverages, our kidneys generate more urine than usual. This dehydrates our bodies, interfering with the formation of new hair grafts in the recipient area of the scalp. Drink plenty of water to keep your hydration levels up and avoid alcohol if you want your hair grafts to develop appropriately and heal quickly.

Drinking alcohol causes edema:

Our veins enlarge and stretch when we drink alcohol. Patients may find this distressing. As a result, avoid consuming alcohol before and after the hair transplant process to reduce edema. This will hasten the recuperation process and boost the odds of hair graft survival.

Should I be concerned if I drink alcohol after my scalp has healed?

The patient can resume his regular drinking routine after 1-3 weeks following the operation. If your habits include drinking alcohol, you are free to do so after recovering.

For various people, the healing process may take varying periods. However, if you follow the pre-and post-operative care instructions carefully, the healing time may be reduced.

The Abstinence Period Must Be Defined

Patients should avoid alcohol to enable a smooth healing process, but they can resume their everyday lives after a specific length of time. Patients can consume alcoholic drinks when the recuperation procedure is complete.

Because hair follicles take a long time to recover and adapt, you should avoid drinking alcohol for a few weeks to a month after your surgery. Every person is different, and each healing process takes an additional amount of time - but refraining from alcohol for a month is an acceptable timeline.

It would help if you eased back into drinking after a period of abstinence. As previously indicated, the follicular unit healing process takes a long time following a hair transplant, and you should do everything you can to speed it up.

According to industry-leading professionals throughout the world, abstaining from alcohol several weeks after and for a week before your surgery is essential if you want your recovery to go as smoothly as possible.
